Book Lovers Never Go To Bed Alone
Book Lovers Never Go To Bed Alone

GI Brides

by Duncan Barrett and Nuala Calvi

Discussion Questions

1. Did you have a favorite GI Bride? any one you disliked especially? or did you like/dislike them all equally?

2. The authors portray the time period well?

3. How did you like the format of alternating chapters that the authors chose to tell the story? 

4. Did you feel the book rang true? or is it affected by the passing of time, as memories often are?

5. What are your thoughts on the author's choice of "Brides"?

6. What effect did the young age of the brides have on the story?

7. What did you think the brides motivations were for getting married and coming to America?

8. Would you want to hear the GI's point of view? How do you think that may change the story?

Additional Resources

GI Brides Webpage

 My Grandmother's Secret Marriage to an American GI - Article by Nuala Calvi in The Guardian September 14, 2013

Interesting background information on what GI brides were and the times

Kirkus Review 

Historical Novel Society Review

London Historian Blog

Meet Duncan Barrett and Nuala Calvi, the authors of GI: Brides: The Wartime Girls Who Crossed the Atlantic for Love. In this video they discuss how they discovered an entire population of British women who left their homes for the US after falling in love with American GI's after WWII.


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